Ph: (856)667-7600; Fax (856)667-7688
Ph: (856)667-7600; Fax (856)667-7688
We are open: Mn-Fr: 9 am-5 pm
and/or by appointment
P.O. Box 8379 - Turnersville, NJ 08012
New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers and Small Business Lawyers
This firm has been successful in obtaining significant benefits and awards in matters such as homeowners’ claims, Workers’ Compensation and social security disability. Lawyer services for other matters such as foreclosure and bankruptcy have resulted in significant relief (in the case of bankruptcy discharges) and marked modifications for clients seeking to keep their homes in the face of looming foreclosure. Yes, we are small business lawyers who will assist our clients with formation, litigation or matters of debt, but we are also formidable New Jersey bankruptcy attorneys, practicing in state and also in Pennsylvania and New York.
See the Representative Clients page to scan a few of our representative successes and see how we’ve handled a matter relevant to you. If you are reviewing your options in New Jersey personal injury lawyers, see the details on significant damages and Workers’ Compensation benefits.
If you are looking for a real estate attorney in NY, PA or NJ, see how we’ve fared in the area of foreclosure mediation, ensuring our clients are given the second chance they deserve to stay in their homes.
Finally, please Contact Us and complete the form you’ll find there. Let us know what kind of legal services you require, and we’ll respond promptly.
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